About Us

  Messiahs Kingdom Online lets you begin to learn about Messianic Netzarim Judaisma set of principles which will help to make more successful decisions, committing fewer mistakes and to receive the supernatural blessings of God in your life, finances, and relationships. 

    Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem shows you a nonsense step by step process to apply the principles of God to your life. You will be able to fulfill your life's purpose, and the opportunity to live a successful life right now.


WMEK Messianic Association

a Netzarim Association of Messianic Congregations

Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem, Inc. 



Help Christians to return to the Hebrew roots of the original true faith (Netzarim Messianic Judaism), the authority of Torah and to provide ministers and congregations the knowledge practiced by the first Netzarim Messianic Jewish ebionist believers (First Century A.D:). 


We want to strength the Messianic Jewish world (Netzarim) in the next 5 years teaching through articles, seminars and establish more than 200 Messianic Jewish Congregations in the world, we have 95 now, and thousands of lives transformed by being followers of Yeshua and Torah, like you.

    Ruth 1:16 “your people will be my people, and your Elohim my Elohim.” 

 Revelation 14:12 “those who keep the commandments of Elohim (Torah) 
and the faith of Yeshua“.


Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem (WMEK) consists of a group of independent Messianic Jewish leaders with a common vision rooted in Torah, Jewish Halacha, and faithful to Messiah Yeshua (See our beliefs). We are a legal USA Florida ministry (See our Florida State Certificate above) with a small branch in Lehigh Acres, Florida. 

Through 27 years of religious activities we have 95 affiliate congregations, 166 Ordained Rabbis / Roeh / Leaders, 38 of each are women and 82 graduated students in Messianic Jewish Studies in 14 countries.

For more information about us and our Ordination Process read our FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). 


The Latest Rabbi Yosef Ben Marques Article: 

Is the TRINITY in the OLD TESTAMENT? (Isaiah 9:6)

(With 8 Language Subtitles)

Netzarim Messianic Jewish 
Rabbis Yosef and Batya Ben Marques-Rondon are the leaders in the Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem Messianic Association.
 They started to fulfil their destiny after discovering the Jewish Roots of Christianity, through the Lord´s revelation of the "Sabbath". Also they are the Rabbis at Kehila Elohei Kedem . They both have a Bachelor degrees in Theology and Pastoral Counselling, from Evangelical Seminary of Caracas (2000) and "Instituto Biblico Dios es Amor" (2014). 

Rabbis Yosef and Batya Ben Marques-Rondon
their Title of Rabbi in 2016 and the Rabbinical Ordination in 2019. They finished Messianic Jewish Studies and Talmud in 2017. Also they have a solid background in Hebrew (2016 -2017 by Moreh Freddy Montiel, of Union Israelita de Venezuela, ULPAN) & Greek Studies in 2022. Kabbalah Studies (2019-2022) and more than 26 years in active pastoral care specially in Kehila Elohei Kedem.

Rabbi Yosef Ben Marques, a Portuguese / Venezuelan is a direct descendant of a Anusim (Crypto-Jew) tried by the Inquisition in Portugal in 1602 (with complete genealogical documentation). Do you want to know if you are too? Click Here

   Throughout those years they worked alongside other Ministries and Kehillahs, in New Jersey, Orlando, Caracas, Brazil and Portugal, spreading the truth of the Messiah and Torah Observance.


Offices of Worldwide Ministry Elohei KedemWorldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem is a not-for-profit 501 (c)(3) corporation.  Since its inception in  the State of Florida on July 18, 2006 (MKM), we have granted credentials as Leaders, Roeh and Rabbi to many ministers around the world, Church Charters and sponsored ordination members in the USA, Venezuela, Portugal, Mexico, Brazil, France, Germany, England, Czech Republic, Thailand, Nigeria, Spain and South Africa. 

Rabanih Belinda Ben Marques WMEK
We started teaching  Torah using our primary website: AnswersinTorah.com in 2010, RespuestasenTorah.com in 2014 and WMEK.org in 2015

We have offices in Caracas, Venezuela, and in Lehigh Acres, Florida, USA. 

This site MessiashsKingdomOnline.com and WMEK.org are dedicated to the ministry offering:
6.Free Messianic Bible Resources
7.Messianic Minister's Resources including eBooks & Ministry's Certificates
8.And Hundreds of Articles on Messianic Doctrine & Faith 


   People working at Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem Messianic Association

Eitana Ben Corredor - Messianic Leader

Roeh Melisa Bat Ramirez


WMKE Main Congregation:  Kehila Elohei Kedem 

Kehila Elohei Kedem caracas  Kehila Elohei Kedem Caracas

See more of Kehila Elohei Kedem 



Messianic Jewish Rabbi Ordination

Directory of 166 Messianic Ministers Ordained of which 38 are women through in 14 countries
Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem as up to October 2024

Click here for our Messianic Ordination Directory


95 Congregations Associated by Chartership with 
Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem
Messianic Association

Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem as up to October 2024

Note: If you are a Minister or Ministry associated with WMEK and have a new webpage contact us and we will include a link to your page or Facebook page.
 If you need it, we provide basic web page design to our associate ministries 
(see our Resources Store Page)

Any question, please send us an email at:  wmekedem@gmail.com

or Whats-app +58 412 4310756

Help us spread our Messianic Jewish message


Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem is proudly associated with
                              (excluding doctrinal differences)

United with Israel

The Jerusalem Council

A Global Association of Orthodox Jewish Disciples of Messiah Yeshua

American Center for Law & Justice
American Center for Law & Justice

Against antisemitism  Netzarim Judaism WMEK  No Boycut against Israel



NOTE: We do not preach to the Jewish Community
Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem recognizes the extensive damage done to the Jewish people over the centuries by attempts to convert them to (False) Christianity. We do not support any of these missionary activities, either historically or currently. If you are Jewish, we do not wish to proselytize, to persuade you to accept any of our beliefs, or to influence you to abandon your historic and correct faith Torah.

            Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem, Inc. © All rights 2006-2024