We believe that we are Jews by faith by the promise given to Abraham (Romans 4:9-11;) Galatians 3:29)), and strict observant of the Torah (Joshua 1:8), fulfilling all the commandments and ordinances and decrees given by "YHWH: the one true Elohim" (a single unit - not Trinity), urging others to comply with them.
3- We believe in the 13 principles of Jewish faith
1. YHWH created and runs the world, only Him, does, and will do all the facts.
2. YHWH, does not make an eartly bodyl (Isaiah 40:18, 25), do not reach the corporales influence, and nothing is comparable to Him.
3. That the Creator has no body and no form.
4. YHWH is the beginning and eternity (Deuteronomy 33:27).
5. YHWH is worth doing tefilah and no one to ask out of it.
6. All words of our prophets are true.
7. The prophecy of Moshe Rabbeinu is true (Numbers 12: 8) and he was the father of the prophets of all time (Exodus 25:22).
8. The Torah we have is the same that was given to Moshe Rabbeinu (Psalm 119: 18; Numbers 16:28).
9. That this Torah will not be changed and no there is not other Almighty (Deuteronomy 13: 1).
10. YHWH knows everything the person does and knows all his thoughts (Jeremiah 32:19).
11. YHWH reward well those who fulfill their mitzvot and punishes those who transgress its precepts (Exodus 32:32).
12. That the Messiah will come. And although we hope every day delay arrival.
13. The dead will be resurrected when the will of the Almighty wants it.
Yeshua came to heal our wounds and our sins (exodus 23:20-21 and Isaiah 53:3-12) and meet with our Elohim through him (Romans 10:9-10). He will come to the end of time (Revelation 1:7), and we hope every day your arrival is our priest by always (Hebrews 7:4), and is seated at the right hand of YHWH our Elohim (Hebrews 10:12).
5 - We believe in Ruaj has Kodesh, the spirit of Elohim, His presence (Genesis 1:2;6:3).
6- We believe that we are "the lost sheep of the house of Israel" (Matthew 15:24; 10: 5-6).
7- We respect other religious currents, yet we are not ecumenical (2 Corinthians 6: 14-18), or inter-religious.
8- We express love and unconditional support to Israel and to all Jews, and recognize them as the chosen people of G-d (John 4:22). And We do not proselytize to the Jewish people.
9.-Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality
We believe that Elohim Elohim (God) wonderfully and immutably creates each person as male or female. These two distinct, complementary sexes together reflect the image and nature of Elohim (G-d) (Gen. 1:26-27). Rejection of one’s biological sex is a rejection of the image of Elohim (God) within that person.
We believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture (Gen. 2:18-25). We believe that Elohim (G-d) intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other (1 Cor. 6:18; 7:2-5; Heb. 13:4). We believe that Elohim (G-d) has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between a man and a woman.
We believe that any form of sexual immorality (including adultery, fornication, homosexual or lesbian behavior, bisexual conduct, bestiality, incest, or use of pornography) is sinful and offensive to Elohim (G-d) (Matt. 15:18-20; 1 Cor. 6:9-10).
We believe that in order to preserve the function and integrity of Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem as the local Body of Mashiach (Christ), and to provide a biblical role model to Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem members and the community, it is imperative that all persons employed by Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem in any capacity, or who serve as volunteers, agree to and abide by this Statement on Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality (Matt 5:16; Phil 2:14-16; 1 Thess 5:22).
10.-KIndness and Love Toward Others
We believe that Elohim (G-d) offers redemption and restoration to all who confess and forsake their sin, seeking His mercy and forgiveness through Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ) (Acts 3:19-21; Rom 10:9-10; 1 Cor 6:9-11).
We believe that every person must be afforded compassion, love, kindness, respect, and dignity (Mark 12:28-31; Luke 6:31). Hateful and harassing behavior or attitudes directed toward any individual are to be repudiated and are not in accord with Scripture nor the doctrines of Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem.