Frequently Asked Questions (25)
About Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem, Becoming Ordained through us, our Religious Courses, Ministry Training and TitlesQuestion #1: How and where can I become a Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem Minister?
A: Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem (WMEK) consists of a group of independent Messianic Jewish leaders with a common vision rooted in Torah, Jewish Halacha, and faithful to Messiah Yeshua / man - no God.
We are a legal USA Florida ministry (Florida State Certificate) with our main office located in Caracas, Venezuela and a small branch in Lehigh Acres, Florida.
You can become ordained right here on our site or in our Church Building known as Congregation Kehila Elohei Kedem! All titles, courses, training ministry and Ordinations are given by the authority of our ministry and our church. Continue to ordination process.
Question #2: Is my ordination legal in USA?
A: Yes, your ordination with the Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem Inc and Kehila Elohei Kedem is legal and binding. Once you get ordained, you are a minister for life. Your ordination is as legal as a Catholic, Protestant or Reform Ordinations.
Credibility comes from the minister. If you are approach and ask for credentials simply present them and say nothing unless asked a question.
Here are the state statutes 2020 for who can perform a legal ceremony in any of the 50 states.
A- Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
C- California Colorado Connecticut
D- Delaware
F- Florida
G- Georgia
H- Hawaii
I- Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa
K- Kansas Kentucky
L- Louisiana
M- Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana
N- Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York
North Carolina North Dakota
O- Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
P- Pennsylvania Puerto Rico
R- Rhode Island
S- South Carolina South Dakota
T- Tennessee Texas
U- Utah
V- Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands
W- Washington Washington DC West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Question #3: How old must I be to get ordained?
A: You must be at least 20 years old and biblically married to become registered as a Messianic Roeh - Pastor (Numbers 14:29-30; 1 Timothy 3:8-13; Titus 1:5-9), or you must be at least 30 years old and biblically married to become Messianic Rabbi with the Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem and Kehila Elohei Kedem (Numbers 4:3; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).
Question #4: What Is Your Return Policy?
If an order has been shipped, it must be returned to WMEK Messianic Association at the customer's expense before we can issue a refund.
We will refund any order within 30 days of purchase, less the cost of shipping.
Personalized documents with typographical errors will be replaced at no charge
Question #5: Must a person be Ordained to be a Preacher or Evangelist?
A: The simple answer is no. Ordination is not a requirement that must be met in order to preach or evangelize. Dwight L. Moody, the great American evangelist of the latter half of the nineteenth century, was never ordained. Also, Charles H. Spurgeon, famous pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, never received ordination either. There is a scriptural basis for ordination yet: Yeshua chose a select group of men whom He “ordained” or “appointed” (John 15:16; Mark 3:14). It should be recognized that it is not a church that makes a man a preacher; it is God who does that.
Question #6: Why should I pay Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem to become ordained if I can get a free ordination elsewhere?
A: Some churches offer free ordinations. If you like it take it. Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem, Inc is a legal ministry, filled with the State of Florida. We keep a permanent record of your ordination including your name and address and the date you were ordained. We keep permanent records on all ministers with currently valid ID cards. Also, we are under the umbrella of a real church Kehila Elohei Kedem, with real members and in good standing with the state where they are incorporated.
But most important we are not a Christian Organization, but a Jewish Organization, we believe Yeshua is the true Messiah of Israel, man born of Miriam and Yosef according to the flesh. Yeshua s not G-d. Also we only ordained Messianic Rabbi and Messianic Roeh.
Question #7: How long does my Letter of Good Standing with WMEK last?
A: The Letter of Good Standing is valid only for 2 years, you have to validated again as well as your WMEK Photo ID. Our ordinations do not expire, and there are no renewals or fees required. You may contact us to have your ordination deactivated at any time, but by default you will remain a WMEK Minister for life.
Question #8: If I have to prove that my ordination with your church is real and legal, can you verify my ordination?
A: Yes, we can. Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem, Inc and Messiahs Kingdom Ministries, inc have been in continuous existence since 2006 and we keep records on everyone we ordain and trained. This enables us to verify your ordination if you request us to do that. Occasionally we are asked to verify a minister's standing.
Question #9: How can I prove to someone that I am a legally ordained WMEK Minister?
A: The two most common ways are presenting either a Letter of Good Standing or your Ordination Credential.
Question #10: Will other churches recognize my ordination?
A: Other churches have their own rules. Some recognize only their own church and reject all others. But some churches cooperate with others and will support you. In doubt, always ask their guidelines.
Question #11: Can I start my own church? If I can, how would I do that?
A: Yes, we offer church charters for ministers wanting to start their own church. See our "Messianic Church Charter" Tab. When you register with us a Messianic Church Charter, we offer you a complete information package and a unique webpage with all necessary legal and practical information on how to start your ministry. Also, you can also incorporate your ministry with your Department of State.
Question #12: How can I confirm my ordination with Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem?
A: Go to our main page,, get to the Tab "About Us WMEK", go down the page and look for "Ordination Directory", Click on it and confirm your name, Title and date of Ordination in the page.
Question #13: What is the URL for the Church Website?
A: Kehila Elohei Kedem website may be found at Kehila Elohei Kedem.
Question #14: Is my Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem ordination recognized outside of the United States?
A: Our ordinations are fully legal in the United States and many countries; however each country treats our ordinations differently. For further information, find out about the requirements of recognition, contact your local officials. You can always contact us to help you in the process.
Question #15: What is included in my shipping and handling charge?
A: Our rates cover the cost to pay for us to ship the items to you as soon as possible through DHL Express, messenger handling, envelopes, printing materials, etc.
You will have several shipping options depending on your needs. We offer:
DHL Express (4-7 Business Days + Tracking) Free for Ordination Papers
For other items International Shipping (Tracking) $45.00 extra.
Please note:
Delivery times are measured from the day your order ships and sees movement in the postal system, not the day you place your order. Since we send ordinations from Portugal or Venezuela (Our Main Offices - Florida office is just for receiving papers) please allow 5 to 10 business days to reach your address, and please confirm the reception of the documents. If the package is send back because of "unclaimed", "address insufficient" or "refused" you will be charged "Media Mail" to send it again. We use DHL Express to guaranty your delivery.
Question #16: If I'm ordained with your church, can I perform marriages?
A: Yes, you can perform marriages, but some states or other jurisdictions require you to register first. If you plan to perform marriages, we urge you to ask your local government about the guidelines to register and perform marriages. Also when you become ordained with us we send you complete information on the legal status of marriage laws in all the States of America. You may or may not be able to perform marriages in other countries. Always ask for the local Marriage Certificate of the couple (Man and Woman) before marrying anyone.
Question #17: As a minister in your church, can I do healing work with people who are sick?
A: Yes, you can do spiritual healing work with the sick as long as you have the ability to do that and you do not diagnose or treat any disease. You may serve as a conduit for spiritual/religious healing. However, medical diagnosis and treatment are functions legally reserved for appropriately trained and licensed medical professionals.
Question #18: As a Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem minister, can I do counseling?
A: You may do counseling as a clergy person if you have the ability and/or training to do that in a competent manner. Always ask the guidelines of your state.
Question #23: Many of your Educational Materials come as EXE files, but I have Windows 7, 10 and 11 and I can not download them. What can I do?
Question #24: Does Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem recognize Same-Sex Marriages?
A: No. The God of Israel, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob do not recognize it, and we as followers of Yeshua do not do it either. But we respect their right reached under a secular government.
Question #25: How do I pay with my Credit Card without registering into Paypal?
If you have any other questions or concerns please Contact Us
Question #2: Is my ordination legal in USA?
A: Yes, your ordination with the Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem Inc and Kehila Elohei Kedem is legal and binding. Once you get ordained, you are a minister for life. Your ordination is as legal as a Catholic, Protestant or Reform Ordinations.
The First Amendment (made applicable to the States by the Fourteenth) Everson v. Board of Education, 330 U.S. 1, 67 S.Ct. 504. There was said:
"Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. Neither can force or influence a person to go to or to remain away from church against his will or force him to profess a belief or disbelief in any religion…."
Most states have laws about who can perform a marriage ceremony, limiting the officiant to a "judge or court clerk, government official, or a minister or clergy member". Some statutes define a clergy member as someone who has a congregation and a following. You as a Clergy Member of this ministry have a congregation "Kehila Elohei Kedem", and those of you that are Rabbies with this ministry are called to form a congregation in less than a year after being ordained, as is biblically called to do so. Also, our Ministers have a particular belief system: we are all Netzarim Messianic Jews, following all the Torah's Commandments and Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel, man/No God, born of Yosef and Miriam, of the House of David.
Also, our Rabbies go through the process of s'micha in person with three Legally Ordained Rabbies as witnesses to the Ceremony of laying of hands as it stated in Acts 6:6. Credibility comes from the minister. If you are approach and ask for credentials simply present them and say nothing unless asked a question.
Here are the state statutes 2020 for who can perform a legal ceremony in any of the 50 states.
A- Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas
C- California Colorado Connecticut
D- Delaware
F- Florida
G- Georgia
H- Hawaii
I- Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa
K- Kansas Kentucky
L- Louisiana
M- Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana
N- Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York
North Carolina North Dakota
O- Ohio Oklahoma Oregon
P- Pennsylvania Puerto Rico
R- Rhode Island
S- South Carolina South Dakota
T- Tennessee Texas
U- Utah
V- Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands
W- Washington Washington DC West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming
Question #3: How old must I be to get ordained?
A: You must be at least 20 years old and biblically married to become registered as a Messianic Roeh - Pastor (Numbers 14:29-30; 1 Timothy 3:8-13; Titus 1:5-9), or you must be at least 30 years old and biblically married to become Messianic Rabbi with the Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem and Kehila Elohei Kedem (Numbers 4:3; 1 Timothy 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9).
Question #4: What Is Your Return Policy?
If an order has been shipped, it must be returned to WMEK Messianic Association at the customer's expense before we can issue a refund.
We will refund any order within 30 days of purchase, less the cost of shipping.
Personalized documents with typographical errors will be replaced at no charge
Question #5: Must a person be Ordained to be a Preacher or Evangelist?
A: The simple answer is no. Ordination is not a requirement that must be met in order to preach or evangelize. Dwight L. Moody, the great American evangelist of the latter half of the nineteenth century, was never ordained. Also, Charles H. Spurgeon, famous pastor of the Metropolitan Tabernacle, London, never received ordination either. There is a scriptural basis for ordination yet: Yeshua chose a select group of men whom He “ordained” or “appointed” (John 15:16; Mark 3:14). It should be recognized that it is not a church that makes a man a preacher; it is God who does that.
Question #6: Why should I pay Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem to become ordained if I can get a free ordination elsewhere?
A: Some churches offer free ordinations. If you like it take it. Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem, Inc is a legal ministry, filled with the State of Florida. We keep a permanent record of your ordination including your name and address and the date you were ordained. We keep permanent records on all ministers with currently valid ID cards. Also, we are under the umbrella of a real church Kehila Elohei Kedem, with real members and in good standing with the state where they are incorporated.
But most important we are not a Christian Organization, but a Jewish Organization, we believe Yeshua is the true Messiah of Israel, man born of Miriam and Yosef according to the flesh. Yeshua s not G-d. Also we only ordained Messianic Rabbi and Messianic Roeh.
Question #7: How long does my Letter of Good Standing with WMEK last?
A: The Letter of Good Standing is valid only for 2 years, you have to validated again as well as your WMEK Photo ID. Our ordinations do not expire, and there are no renewals or fees required. You may contact us to have your ordination deactivated at any time, but by default you will remain a WMEK Minister for life.
Question #8: If I have to prove that my ordination with your church is real and legal, can you verify my ordination?
A: Yes, we can. Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem, Inc and Messiahs Kingdom Ministries, inc have been in continuous existence since 2006 and we keep records on everyone we ordain and trained. This enables us to verify your ordination if you request us to do that. Occasionally we are asked to verify a minister's standing.
Question #9: How can I prove to someone that I am a legally ordained WMEK Minister?
A: The two most common ways are presenting either a Letter of Good Standing or your Ordination Credential.
Question #10: Will other churches recognize my ordination?
A: Other churches have their own rules. Some recognize only their own church and reject all others. But some churches cooperate with others and will support you. In doubt, always ask their guidelines.
Question #11: Can I start my own church? If I can, how would I do that?
A: Yes, we offer church charters for ministers wanting to start their own church. See our "Messianic Church Charter" Tab. When you register with us a Messianic Church Charter, we offer you a complete information package and a unique webpage with all necessary legal and practical information on how to start your ministry. Also, you can also incorporate your ministry with your Department of State.
Question #12: How can I confirm my ordination with Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem?
A: Go to our main page,, get to the Tab "About Us WMEK", go down the page and look for "Ordination Directory", Click on it and confirm your name, Title and date of Ordination in the page.
Question #13: What is the URL for the Church Website?
A: Kehila Elohei Kedem website may be found at Kehila Elohei Kedem.
Question #14: Is my Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem ordination recognized outside of the United States?
A: Our ordinations are fully legal in the United States and many countries; however each country treats our ordinations differently. For further information, find out about the requirements of recognition, contact your local officials. You can always contact us to help you in the process.
Question #15: What is included in my shipping and handling charge?
A: Our rates cover the cost to pay for us to ship the items to you as soon as possible through DHL Express, messenger handling, envelopes, printing materials, etc.
You will have several shipping options depending on your needs. We offer:
DHL Express (4-7 Business Days + Tracking) Free for Ordination Papers
For other items International Shipping (Tracking) $45.00 extra.
Please note:
Delivery times are measured from the day your order ships and sees movement in the postal system, not the day you place your order. Since we send ordinations from Portugal or Venezuela (Our Main Offices - Florida office is just for receiving papers) please allow 5 to 10 business days to reach your address, and please confirm the reception of the documents. If the package is send back because of "unclaimed", "address insufficient" or "refused" you will be charged "Media Mail" to send it again. We use DHL Express to guaranty your delivery.
The worst post service in Europe: Portugal and Spain (Spain) (Portugal)
Venezuela does not have a working International Postal Office service.
Question #16: If I'm ordained with your church, can I perform marriages?
A: Yes, you can perform marriages, but some states or other jurisdictions require you to register first. If you plan to perform marriages, we urge you to ask your local government about the guidelines to register and perform marriages. Also when you become ordained with us we send you complete information on the legal status of marriage laws in all the States of America. You may or may not be able to perform marriages in other countries. Always ask for the local Marriage Certificate of the couple (Man and Woman) before marrying anyone.
Question #17: As a minister in your church, can I do healing work with people who are sick?
A: Yes, you can do spiritual healing work with the sick as long as you have the ability to do that and you do not diagnose or treat any disease. You may serve as a conduit for spiritual/religious healing. However, medical diagnosis and treatment are functions legally reserved for appropriately trained and licensed medical professionals.
Question #18: As a Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem minister, can I do counseling?
A: You may do counseling as a clergy person if you have the ability and/or training to do that in a competent manner. Always ask the guidelines of your state.
Question #19: What is the position of Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem, Inc as to the State Mandatory Reporting?
A: Anyone who has concerns about a child’s welfare should make a referral to local authority children’s social care and should do so immediately if there is a concern that the child is suffering significant harm or is likely to do so.’ We urge our WMEK faith leaders to report suspicions of abuse, neglect or exploitation of a child or a vulnerable adult to law enforcement.
Question #20: How much training do I need to be ordained as a minister with Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem?
A: You don't need any training for ministry with our church, but we do provide basic religious information on Netzarim Messianic Judaism and offer complete courses that will help you become a better-prepared minister. Visit our online "Minister Training" to discover what we have.
It is not our job to investigate nor do we have the skills to do so. It is our job to get available resources to victims of child abuse to protect them and if possible, prevent further harm. To do this, we need the expertise of others beyond our faith community. God demand from us holiness and honesty, and God will help us to keep reach such a state. In any other case we maintain the confidentiality of pastoral communications.
Question #20: How much training do I need to be ordained as a minister with Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem?
A: You don't need any training for ministry with our church, but we do provide basic religious information on Netzarim Messianic Judaism and offer complete courses that will help you become a better-prepared minister. Visit our online "Minister Training" to discover what we have.
Also if you are new to the Netzarim Messianic Faith please read "New to Messianic Judaism" in <Click Here>
Question #21: The Netzarim Jewish Studies Certificate you offer is a real Complete Biblical Studies Course?
A: Yes, our Jewish Studies Certificate comes in a five-part study of articles, videos and practical instructions about the Netzarim Judaism Faith studied by our ministers in a period of six to eight months. It is composed of more than 200 pages of detail information, the learning of 613 Mitzvot and the learning of complete basics of Jewish Talmud and Mishna.
Remember, the course programs of this religious institution are designed solely for religious vocations" as outlined in Chapter 246.084 of the Florida Statutes. WMEK course programs are religious (non-secular) in nature and are granted by the authority of Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem, Inc. (WMEK), a religious organization authorized by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to conduct religiously-based training. Secular and non-secular degrees are different and designed for different purposes.
Question #22: I will be performing a ceremony and need help with planning?
A: We provide many resources to help you plan and conduct your ceremony. The Wedding Officiant Ebook is an excellent source of information which contains all of the items you need to help perform a ceremony.
Question #21: The Netzarim Jewish Studies Certificate you offer is a real Complete Biblical Studies Course?
A: Yes, our Jewish Studies Certificate comes in a five-part study of articles, videos and practical instructions about the Netzarim Judaism Faith studied by our ministers in a period of six to eight months. It is composed of more than 200 pages of detail information, the learning of 613 Mitzvot and the learning of complete basics of Jewish Talmud and Mishna.
Remember, the course programs of this religious institution are designed solely for religious vocations" as outlined in Chapter 246.084 of the Florida Statutes. WMEK course programs are religious (non-secular) in nature and are granted by the authority of Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem, Inc. (WMEK), a religious organization authorized by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to conduct religiously-based training. Secular and non-secular degrees are different and designed for different purposes.
Question #22: I will be performing a ceremony and need help with planning?
A: We provide many resources to help you plan and conduct your ceremony. The Wedding Officiant Ebook is an excellent source of information which contains all of the items you need to help perform a ceremony.
Question #23: Many of your Educational Materials come as EXE files, but I have Windows 7, 10 and 11 and I can not download them. What can I do?
A: Because of problems with problems in downloading EXE files with Windows 7,10, 11 or up, we have decided in 2023 that all our educational products will be deliver in PDF Format for easy access. So there is not problem with wherever operating system you have Windows, Apple or Linux. Please remember we have products in two languages: Spanish and English. Just ask for them and we will deliver it to you.
Please let us know any problems, we will make our best effort to give a definitely solution. Any problem contact us at: CONTACT US FORM
Question #24: Does Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem recognize Same-Sex Marriages?
A: No. The God of Israel, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob do not recognize it, and we as followers of Yeshua do not do it either. But we respect their right reached under a secular government.
Question #25: How do I pay with my Credit Card without registering into Paypal?
Secured payment through PayPal
- Once you click Paypal Button to pay with your favorite Credit Card, Click "Open a Paypal account".
- When it opens, choose the country of your location or credit card. Fill the data requested associated with your Credit Card, and at the end confirmed the "Agree and Pay" box and click "Pay". You do not have to register a new account with Paypal.
- For other amounts, enter Paypal and send your amount to our Email: or contact us at Thanks.
If you have any other questions or concerns please Contact Us