WMEK Messianic Jewish Association

Messianic Jews - Messianic Rabbi Ordination - Cert of Messianic Jewish Studies - Cert of NT Hebrew Roots - Cert of Pastoral Counsellor - Certificate of Conversion to Messianic Judaism - Crypto Jews Genealogy

WMEK Messianic Jewish Association

Messianic Jewish Associations in
155 Ordained Messianic Ministers (35 women) in 13 Countries
                        87 Affiliated Congregations,72 graduates in Jewish Studies                           
& 43 Messianic Jewish Conversions

What are Messianic Jews? Netzarim Messianic Jews represent a diverse group of individuals who identify as Jews and embrace Yeshua (Jesus Man-No God, born of Yosef and Miriam) as their Messiah. They are not Christians nor follow Christian doctrine.

Yeshua, the Messiah of Israel, (Man / No G-d) went around teaching about the Kingdom of Elohim,  many followers kept his teachings, between them members of the Pharisees and the Essenes, whom John the Immerser belonged. These followers of Yeshua gave rise to a new branch of Judaism, the Netzarim / Ebionites.

When the destruction of the Temple happened, two type of Judasm survived: the Pharisees and the Netzarim

WMEK Netzarim Messianic Jewish Association follows the steps of those great believers called "Netzarim" or "Ebionites". We believe in the Laws of God given at Mount Horeb in Sinai and included in Torah, an we also believe in Yeshua (Jesus) the Messiah of Israel (a Man / no G-d). We are part of the Messianic Jewish Organizations through out the world.

We do this by teaching what the Bible teaches (Netzarim Judaism) and how to make them part of your life; through articles and studies in our 2 Apologetics Websites:  (English)
Our YouTubeChannel  (Spanish & English)

 That's is why, if You have a higher call... 
a Messianic Rabbi Ordination Online is for you

Become legally ordained online!
messianic rabbi ordination online

We equipped people like you who have an ultimate call from above to serve Elohim, as an observant of Torah and follower of Yeshua, prophet and Messiah of Israel (Man / No God) as you contemplate a Messianic Rabbi Ordination Online to to be active in the Messianic Jewish community as Netzarim  Messianic Rabbi   as we help establish fellowships and congregations throughout the world.

Can I be part of the Netzarim Jewish Faith and Netzarim Movement?
Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem, is part of the  Messianic Jewish Organizations around the world helping many Messianic Pastors and Messianic Congregations & Fellowships  who become affiliated with us to reach its full potential.  Find more about our Religious Organization in About Us,  FAQ? and Emunah (Our Statement of Faith ).

Netzarim Messianic Jews find out that the Statement Beliefs of many Messianic Jewish Associations are incompatible with his or her Netzarim belief in Messiah Yeshua (No man/God). WMKE offers them a strong Torah based organization in which to affiliate their congregations or their Ordained Credentials. 

and Become a Messianic Rabbi Online

We has developed  3 Complete Jewish Studies Programs Online to help our Ordained Messianic Ministers (Pastors or Rabbi) leaders and members of our congregations to have a solid base of faith in all areas of Pastoral and scripture knowledge. Certificate of Messianic Jewish Studies, Certificate of New Testament Hebrew Roots and Certificate of Messianic Pastoral Counsellor.    

Also Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem have put together more than 150 Free Messianic Bible resources   in English, Portuguese and Spanish, from which you and your Congregation can get articles, images, books and software to flourish according to the Laws of Elohim. 

Within this site you have at your fingertips over 100 academic level articles and commentaries on Torah related topics.  Read hundreds of messianic Jewish articles and teachings here! Torah, Israel, Holidays, Bible Teachings, Messianic Perspective and much more. Learn more about the Messianic Faith of the Hebrew Roots of Yeshua and its followers. 

Thank you for visiting our ministry page, we at Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem. Remember discover the Jewish Netzarim Jesus / Yeshua (Man / No G-d), the   Netzarim Messianic Jews faith (Ebionites) and the authority of Torah!  

Then, through the power of the Divine Creator
your life will change forever!

We truly appreciate donations. Just like any other institution we have overhead and costs to maintaining our Church and Organization. If you choose to donate or buy something, we are deeply grateful. 

All contributions make a tangible difference in perpetuating our Messianic Association.


Note: At WMEK we respect and love all those who, with sincere love, seek and follow Yeshua the Messiah, the Jewish people and the State of Israel. We are Jews by faith, many Anusim crypto-Jews, all observant of the Torah, which accepts Yeshua as the Messiah of Israel (a Man / No G-d) Rev. 14:12.

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