Messianic Jewish Studies Certificate Online
Messianic Yeshiva Elohei Kedem © 2018
Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem Messianic Association has developed
3 complete Messianic Jewish Studies Certificate Online Programs
to help our Ordained Messianic Ministers (Pastors or Rabbi) leaders and members of our congregations to have a solid base of faith in all areas of Pastoral and scripture knowledge. (NOTE: All of our programs come in PDF or eBook Formats so you will not have any problems in any Windows, Apple or Linux platforms, or Cellular Phones. All our studies are now in Spanish and Portuguese / Nuestros estudios estan tambien en Español e em Portugues en PDF.)
1.Certificate of Messianic Jewish Studies (Netzarim)
The Messianic Jewish Studies Online Certificate is designed for persons who seek six months to a year of graduate level study in preparation for serving in messianic ministry.
This Program consists of 15 Lessons. This study plan offered is flexible and self-paced, and videos can be seen in any PC or Laptop device with Windows. The content was developed for Christ-followers who desire to gain a multi-faceted understanding of the Bible and Jewish Studies with a focus in the Netzarim way of life.
S102 Complete Studies of the Netzarim Scriptures
S103 Studies of the Laws of Moses and the Torah
RS101 Contemporary preaching of the Torah
RS201 Foundations of pastoral care and counselling
RS301 Leadership and biblical management
HB101 & GR 101 Basic fundamentals of Greek and Hebrew
RW101 Rabbinical theology - Jewish Law (Talmud and Mishna)
RS401 Theology of the Siddur and YHWH's Festivities
RW301 Traditions of Jewish life and Mysticism
H101 Jewish History
H102 Jewish world of Yeshua
S104 Elohim's Plan for the Jewish people.
RW102 Rabbinical literature
RS501 How to live as a Messianic Jew
Product Description
This Messianic Jewish Studies Program Includes:
- 15 Lessons in 5 PDF so you can study at your own pace with videos.
- 20 eBooks in Judaism, Talmud, Torah, and Kabala to complement your studies
- 1 PDF Certificate in Messianic Jewish Studies (Netzarim) by our ministry signed and sealed send to your email the moment you finished your tests and assignments.
Free Bonus
- Complete Messianic Jewish Ministry Manual- a complete guide to be a Messianic Minister in today's world
- 613 Mitzvot :Study, learn and meditate on the 613 Mitzvot (Commandments) of the Torah (Pentateuch)
- Your email
- An up to date carnet photo.
- and filled out the Jewish Studies Certificate Registration bellow
The Certificate in Messianic Jewish Studies Online is Only $35
Complete System Online with Videos, and Booklet.
Deepened your relationship with God. With Biblical understanding, you feel confidence and faith. Read the most wonderful and powerful book ever written through Hebrew eyes and understanding. Know key historical persons, events, and more from Matthew to Revelation and its relationship with the Tanack (O.T.). Then you will understand why Yeshua is the Word of God.

After payment you will be asked to fill the Registration Form
After we received your information and payment in less than 24 hours we will send you the link page to our Self-Paced Certificate in Messianic Jewish Studies Program where you can download all the files, PDFs, and Ebook bonus package.
2. Certificate of New Testament Hebrew Roots
Study the New Testament through Hebrew eyes
Complete System Online with Videos, and Booklet.
An Hebrew overview of the New Testament is necessary for Biblical literacy. You need to know more than Bible stories with moral lessons. People fail to really grasp the true meaning of the Hebrew Context. The end? weak testimonies, failed doctrines, unhappy controversies, idolatry and misconduct in Christian homes and in church leaders.
Complete analysis Book by Book of the New Testament with Hebrew Roots' eyes
Complete analysis Book by Book of the New Testament with Hebrew Roots' eyes
On successful completion of the course, we will issue and send send you a handsome 8 and one-half by eleven Certificate of Hebrew Roots New Testament Studies PDF, printed with your name and the current date, which is suitable for framing send to your email.
Become an expert in the Hebrew Roots of the New Testament
Become an expert in the Hebrew Roots of the New Testament
It’s God’s Word! Transform your Life!
Only $ 30
We will send you the complete course after payment

After payment you will be asked to fill the Registration Form
In less than 24 hours we will send you the link page to our Self-Paced Certificate in Messianic Jewish Studies Program where you can download all the files, PDFs, and eBook bonus package.
3. Messianic Pastoral Counselor Certificate
Provide Pastoral Care for those in need of Spiritual Health
You can provide pastoral care to your congregation based upon your professional relationship as Messianic Jewish Pastor or Rabbi and the knowledge of Torah.
Professional pastoral care is different from clinical counselling. Pastoral care is base in spiritual health, scripture reading and its application, prayer and spiritual guidance of the Holy Spirit.
The Pastoral Counselor Certificate is granted after completing the 613 Commandments Pastoral Study Course and its application in life's events (Included). This certificate is meant to keep you within the pastoral limits of being a Messianic Pastoral counselor and is not meant to be a professional certificate. You need to be an Ordained Pastor, Messianic Pastor or Rabbi.
Apply for a state license if you wish to open a private practice. However, you do not necessarily need a state license if you practice under the auspices of a church or religious organization. People already serving as pastors, priests or rabbis can offer counseling as part of their ministries, for instance. If you practice under the authority of a religious organization, you are accountable to that organization's rules and standards
1. A complete 613 Commandments Software to make easy to find Elohim's rules and guide in any situation.
2. Six Complete and useful Ebooks on Pastoral Care to complement your knowledge
3. On successful completion of the course, we will issue and send send you a handsome 8 and one-half by eleven Certificate of Messianic Pastoral Counselor in PDF, printed with your name and the current date, which is suitable for framing send to your email.
Provide Pastoral Spiritual Care for those in need.
Provide Pastoral Spiritual Care for those in need.
Only $ 30
We will send you the complete course after payment

After payment you will be asked to fill the Registration Form
In less than 24 hours we will send you the link page to our Self-Paced Certificate in Messianic Jewish Studies Program where you can download all the files, PDFs, and eBook bonus package.
Special Offer
Take all three courses for 20% off the regular price of $95. Only $75. A $20 discount of regular price.
! Order Today !
and Certificate of NT Hebrew Roots
(Updated October 2024, 82 graduates)
2018 (11)
Rabbi Kelvin Taylor (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Roeh Roland Spriggs (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Blake Aleman (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Roeh Oguama Lilian Ogechi (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Randall Roberts (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Marvin Riggins (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Rodrigus Coleman (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Kelvin Taylor (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Juan Melendez (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Rodrigus Coleman (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Kelvin Taylor (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Juan Melendez (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Emmanuel Saint Louis (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Benjamin Rosen (Certificate Jewish Studies)
2019 (13)
Edward Hobby (Certificate Jewish Studies)
RabbiTimothy Meincke (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Shirley Ruby Robles (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Shammashim Elsi Corredor Aponte (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Roeh David Ben Castro (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Roeh Efrat Ben Castro (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Jeffrey Cook (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Maikel Rodriguez (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Joseph Wilson (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Dr. Berrouane Zakaria (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Shammashim Andres Vargas (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Shamashim Enny Avendaño de Vargas (Certificate Jewish Studies)
2019 (13)
Edward Hobby (Certificate Jewish Studies)
RabbiTimothy Meincke (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Shirley Ruby Robles (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Shammashim Elsi Corredor Aponte (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Roeh David Ben Castro (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Roeh Efrat Ben Castro (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Jeffrey Cook (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Maikel Rodriguez (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Joseph Wilson (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Dr. Berrouane Zakaria (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Shammashim Andres Vargas (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Shamashim Enny Avendaño de Vargas (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Jeremy Daniels (Certificate Jewish Studies)
2020 (2)
Rabbi John Prouty Jr (Certificate Jewish Studies)
2020 (2)
Rabbi John Prouty Jr (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Dr. Henry Santiago (Certificate Jewish Studies)
2021 (3)
Kenneth Ward (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Wayne Berry Hill III (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Kenny Ward (Certificate Jewish Studies)
2022 (11)
Rabbi Jeremy Gaston (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Sylvan Crouse (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Anthony Ray Lovato (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Charles Baldwin (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Lill Gregory Crawford (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Moshood Alakelemansa (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Daniel Patrick Ventura (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Dorothee Suzanne Meewes-Gill (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Corea LaFosse (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Dr. Christopher John MacDonald Sr (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Jordan Griffith (Certificate Jewish Studies)
2023 (22)
Rabbi David Shami Israel Cohen (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Jerry Jones (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Ian Adams (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Susan Pacheco (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Tony Pacheco (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Albert Scales III (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Brian Hoagland (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Johnny Rodriguez (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Marcelo Shimoda (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Susan Coble (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Christpher Latham (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Paul Baldwin (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Albert Scales III (Certificate NT Hebrew Roots)
Christopher Latham (Certificate NT Hebrew Roots)
Rabbi Ryan Joseph Long (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Marcelo Rosengarten (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Jan Allen (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Cecilia Stefanie Allen (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Joseph Chandler (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Roeh Terrell G DeWald (Certificate NT Hebrew Roots)
Rabbi Micaiah Perry (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Jeffrey Sliva (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Roeh Terrell G DeWald (Certificate Pastoral Counselor)
2024 (20)
Rabbi Benjamin Minor (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Roeh Terrell G DeWald (Certificate of Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Barry Stewart (Certificate of Jewish Studies)
Christopher Latham (Certificate Pastoral Counselor)
Rabbi James Frank Smith (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Jose Laya (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Calixta Marcano (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Elba Reyes (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Carlos Berrios (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Ramon Figueroa (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Elsie Corredor (Certificate NT Hebrew Roots)
Roeh Morelia Ramirez (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Anthony Fonseca (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Bruce Templeman (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Jesus M Ramirez (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Sean Barnett (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi James Frank Smith (Certificate Pastoral Counselor)
Rabbi James Frank Smith (NT Hebrew Roots)
Roeh David Tucker (Certificate Jewish Studies)
Rabbi Emmanuel Namer Benalohim (Certificate Jewish Studies)
WMEK is a religious organization founded in the U.S.A., recognized by many Messianic Jewish congregations and organizations, and our certificate program is recognized by the State of Florida, "designed solely for religious vocations" as outlined in Chapter 246.084 of the Florida Statutes. WMEK degrees are religious (non-secular) in nature and are granted by the authority of the Worldwide Ministry Elohei Kedem, Inc. (WMEK), a religious organization authorized by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution to conduct religiously-based training.
Messianic Yeshiva Elohei Kedem is copyright 2018 of WMEK, Inc.