
WMEK Messianic Association

Please make sure you have complied with the following instructions:
(Siga las siguientes instrucciones)

  • Only put your true, full legal name (*nicknames will invalidate your ordination) ( Nombre legal solamente)
  • Only include factual information. (Solo incluya información actual veridica)
  • Double check your name and email address. (Verifique toda la información)
  • If you have any problem uploading your photo, just tell someone to take a close photo of yourself and send it to our Whats App number +584124310756.

Confidential & Personal Information

WMEK Messianic Association is a non-governmental religious institution. Your personal information will always be treated confidentially and only you may authorize the dissemination of your personal data.

WMEK Asociación Mesiánica es una institución religiosa no gubernamental. Su información personal siempre será tratada de manera confidencial y sólo usted podrá autorizar la difusión de sus datos personales.